It shouldn’t be hard to answer the call of the wild, to become fully immersed in the outdoors and be prepared for whatever nature throws at you. Here at Ace Camp, our mission is to deliver outdoor enthusiasts the gear that becomes the catalyst that gets you out there.The experience is everything, and we’re here to make it easier for you to have those unforgettable adventures.
We understand that it’s essential to trust your equipment. Quality has been our number-one priority since Ace Camp was established internationally in 2000. Since that time, we’ve been manufacturing high-quality products for reasonable prices for a broad range of outdoor activities. With over 200 products in our line of camping equipment and emergency preparedness gear, we outfit customers around the world for adventures close to home or far-away. Even when roughing it, certain necessities can elevate a decent outing to the trip of a lifetime.
In 2012 we moved operations to the outdoor mecca of Salt Lake City as a base to pioneer new products and better serve the American market. Our state of the art facility guarantees that you get your order fast and on time. Now all you have to worry about is which adventure you’re planning on next.

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We truly believe in the best customer support, meaning we will do whatever it takes to make sure you have a positive purchase experience. We respond to emails within 24 hours and always make sure all your concerns are answered ASAP.
- Easy Returns. All our products are backed with 60-day money back guarantee. Just contact us and we will refund the purchase price.
- Risk-Free Purchase: Our Buyer Protection covers your purchase from click to delivery so you can shop with peace of mind.
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: All our products are backed with 60-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, contact us for a product refund. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.
This pillow is very compact and easy to inflate. It is not one of the small tiny valves you have to bite to get it to inflate and deflate, it is a huge valve that only takes maybe two or three breaths to blow up. Comfortable exterior.
It works great and is so compact they don’t take up much space and are very easy to pack.
This pillow inflates with about 3 easy breaths, and deflates almost instantly due to the large air hole. Folds flat and compact, taking up minimal room in carry on or purse.
I’ve used many travel pillows and this is definitely my favorite. Even purchased a second one. It’s easy to fill and easy to release air. Great product!
It was handy and fairly comfortable. I am small and found it to be a little large for my short neck, but I will use it again.
This neck pillow was more comfortable than I thought it would be. I loved how easy it was to fold up in my bag and how easy it was to blow up. I only bought one so I shared it with my hubby when I wasn’t sleeping. I will definitely buy another one!
This neck pillow is very comfortable and it blew up in 2 seconds! I like that you can adjust the air level, just be careful because the air comes out quickly! The neck pillow folded up very easily and is great for when you are packing everything in a carry on!
I didn’t think I was going to like this and actually was going to return this. So glad I didn’t!!! It’s very compact folded size is perfect to throw in your bag and easily inflates and deflates. Used it both as neck pillow and as a general pillows to lean against as well as arm rest. Since you can adjust the firmness you can squish it into any spot. Turned out to be a lifesaver on the 14 hour trip to Thailand. Will now take it everywhere.